Since starting Mahal Yoga, then KA Wellness, and now THAT BTCH DA WELLNESS WTCH, I feel like I’ve literally been in a weirdass painful, self-digesting chrysalis, just kind of waiting to pop out and be the little mariposa that I always thought I could be without all the shame, failure, and self-doubt.

These past few years have felt confusing, like who even am I? What are my values? Who’s my target audience? What do I even like to create and offer? Am I only good for ____? Upon getting licensed in acupuncture, which was such a gnarly journey in and of itself, I’m in this period of calm, quiet building. I get to move forward on my terms and create the wellness business that feels most authentic for me. I’m taking care of myself finally, not just trying to drown sh*t out so I can simply survive another day, but…a btch is drinking water everyday. She’s doing her hobbies. She’s trying to have boundaries with her electronics. She’s reading her books. She’s tending to her plants. She’s petting her dawgs. She’s planning her wedding. (Yes that’s right, a btch is ENGAGEDDDDD). She/ I finally have the time and space to nourish my body, mind, and spirit. It’s a joy and privilege to be in this space. So I want to use this time and space to build, not just a regular ole acupuncture business, I want to create something communal and comprehensive. I want it to be financially accessible. I want us to be out in nature together. Connecting with each other and with Earth and Water and Trees and sh*t. Because if there’s anything I’ve learned from the past few years of dissociating from my body, having massive brain fog, needing to eat 100 edibles just to survive the day and see the next day, hella s—dal ideation, and just barely holding on mentally, it’s that it is VITAL to have necessary support and ways to take care of ourselves. It’s VITAL to feel like we have reasons to hold on. We have to have nourishing connections with ourselves and with each other.

And I want to be there for you. I want to be a part of a team that helps you stay grounded and connected in your body. So you can show up for yourself. Your families - blood or chosen. Your purpose. And your communities.